If you are support a relative or friend with tasks such as washing and dressing, paying bills, transport, emotional support, health appointments, medication or domestic tasks who, due to ill health, physical or mental illness, disability, frailty or addiction, could not manage without your support then –


If you are a Carer, please let the Practice know. You are entitled to a free influenza vaccination annually and we may be able to signpost you to advice and local support services.

Please visit these links below:

Carer Handbook

Alzheimer’s Society

As a pioneer practice in Lincolnshire, the team at Abbeyview Surgery take pride in being a ‘Carer Friendly‘ and ‘Dementia Friendly‘ Practice.


Dementia Lead GP - Dr Banerjee. Dr Banerjee actively participated in the county wide Lincolnshire Dementia Pathways development and leads the Dementia service at the Practice.


Dementia Champion -Tracy Swain. Tracy is our first point of call for patients with Dementia & their family/carers. The Practice offers an annual review for patients with Dementia and their Carer. Tracy acts as a dedicated contact point for patients with memory problems & their Carers with any concerns between reviews.


Carers Champion – Sue Reedman. As a Senior Receptionist, Sue is ideally placed to support Carers with any queries or signposting to local support agencies and services. Sue also maintains the carers register.


Business Manager – Helen Herbert. Helen works with the Practice Patient Participation Group, local charities and support organisations to develop support services for patients of the Practice and in the locality.


Care Coordinator - Louise Wilson. As a member of Allied Health South Lincolnshire GP Federation, we are pleased to be able to offer the support of a Care Co-ordinator.


A young carer is a young person, under the age of 18, who has a caring responsibility. This is usually for a family member who has a disability, long term illness, mental illness (including depression/anxieties) or drug/alcohol misuse.

If you are a young carer please follow the link for more help and advice